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Considerations, both moral and ethical, push aside all possible consequence... but also... it may be illegal. But this kind of motivation considers itself above all law as it moves to accomplish its task.... and if it prescribes to any moral compass at all, it will be designed by them... the code of a thief, or a mafia manifesto, and all of it can be suspended if need be. Rules are not designed to be moral, but to be used for the purpose of success...
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gjzwamyp | Дата: Воскресенье, 21.12.14, 03:57:48 | Сообщение # 40 |
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Family, friends, bountiful feasts and football are at the forefront of our minds rather than cocktail parties and gifts. Think of it as a time to pause and give thanks before the whirlwind of December.Thanksgiving began in 1621. The pilgrims invited the Wampanoag Native Americans to join them in celebration of the fall harvest. The Native Americans traveled for several days, created their own camp and stayed with the pilgrims for three days of feasting and celebration. This first Thanksgiving sounds similar to our tradition of family members invading the home of others in their family for days on end.The holiday received official status in 1789, with George Washington’s first presidential proclamation, which designated the 26th day of November next, to be set aside for thanksgiving. “It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God and to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor,†he wrote.In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln declared a day of Thanksgiving after the Union victories at Vicksburg and Gettysburg, acknowledging “The gracious gifts of the Most High God†and noting that it “seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American People.â€Lincoln invited his fellow citizens to observe “a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father, who dwelleth in the Heavens.â€After being observed at various times between the third and fourth weeks in November, Thanksgiving was given a permanent date in 1941 when President Roosevelt signed legislation declaring it on the 4th Thursday in November.Possibly before the Thanksgiving meal we might pause for a few moments to say thanks for all the blessings that we have been given in life, which, at least for me, include the following:• Living in a country where you can express your opinion, even if no one else agrees with you• Being able to vote• A warm home on a cold night• Pets who love you no matter what• Parents who find the time to participate in their children’s schools• Teachers who are concerned about every child in their classroom• People you do not know, who will smile and assist you when you are in need• People you know, who will still smile and assist you when you are in need• Being healthy and active• Family to share the holidays with• Friends who go out of their way for you• Foot massages• Hot chocolate• Feeling grace when you do not expect it• Watching my children change and grow• Changes in life, without which you would be bored• Laughing so hard that you cry• Reading a book so touching that you cry• Watching children experience joy by simply being alive• Occasionally being able to experience that same joy yourself• Friends who celebrate milestones with you• Bright sunshine on a cold dayThanksgiving is a time to be grateful; it also provides an opportunity to give to others who might need additional help or support. Giving can come in the form of time, money or talents. This Thanksgiving, take the opportunity to not only give thanks, but also to give to those in need, thereby giving them a reason to be grateful as well.To find out more about Jackie Gingrich Cushman, and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit www.creators.com. http://www.coachonlineoutlets.us.com/ - http://www.coachonlineoutlets.us.com As the harsh realization of his words caught in his throat, Ellis struggled to add: "Mr. Bowlen won't be in the building today. And I don't think he will be walking in the door tomorrow. It's brutal." l I truly believe that the majority of Kuwait and its citizens are upright, compassionate people who believe in charity, in all its forms, and fear God. Indeed, religion is invaluable to the fabric of society: the charity organizations functioning to assist the needy; distribution of Iftars and meals; the Zakat allocated to society's poor, among other examples are a tribute to this country and a testament to the spiritual caliber of the average citizen. It is insufficient, however, because society demands that two main components be evident in order to maintain a healthy equilibrium, safeguarding citizens and their rights: Justice ("Adalah") and Compassion ("Rahma"). http://www.coachonlineoutlets.us.com/ - http://www.coachonlineoutlets.us.com For us seated beneath a low balcony at the very back of the Sage, the sound was rather foggy, and lacked the usual crystal clarity of the venue. http://www.coachonlineoutlets.us.com/ - coach outlet online "Brett Bigelow" was released in September and is available on for about $10 and for $9. The singer is playing a 9 p.m. Nov. 15 show at the Kaffeeklatsch Bar, address 101 Jefferson St. N., backed by Irvin, Berry and Christian Clark. With his day job, Bigelow won't be able to tour extensively and build momentum the old-fashioned way. Instead he hopes to go on brief Thursday through Saturday runs to try and get the word out. http://www.coachonlineoutlets.us.com/ - coach outlet store online Hope requires character. Character strengthens our confident hope. Faith is the evidence of things hoped for. “Character is like a tree and reputation is like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it, but the tree is the real thing.†(Abraham Lincoln) Too many times we position our life to create a good reputation. We care about what other people think more than what God thinks about our life. Those who desire to see their dreams come to life and visions fulfilled must change their perspective. People must become a huge crowd of witnesses to our life of faith. As we strip off the weight of being a “crowd pleaser†and focus on running the race of faith to completion, we do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus. He is the Champion who initiates and perfects our faith. He did it for our joy. We make Jesus happy so He walked all the way to the Cross and laid His Life down. He decided to be bruised and beaten almost to the point of death only to be subjected to one of the cruelest and barbaric forms of death this world has ever known…just for you…especially for me. We have not given our life up in this struggle with sin. To have the new life found only in Christ will require it. “They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. 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The documentary, “Mendez vs. Westminster: For all the Children / Para Todos Los Ninos,” is a 27-minute film about school segregation among Mexican Americans in Orange County, California in a case that preceded the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka decision. The workshop was held Saturday, September 23, 2006 at 3:30 p.m. in the Central High School Library. The event was free and opened to the public. In 1954 the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Supreme Court decision outlawed legal segregation in education. Seven years earlier in 1946, Mendez et al.v. Westminster et al. established a precedent for the historic Brown v. Board case. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Mendez case.Sylvia Mendez was 9 years old when she learned that her parents, Gonzalo and Felicitas Mendez, were plaintiffs in the Mendez school desegregation case. Sandra Robbie, a Latina, is the producer of “Mendez vs. Westminster: For all the Children / Para Todos Los Ninos.” Robbie first heard of the case about ten years ago when a school in California was named after Gonzalo Mendez.“I was stunned when I found out about the case,” said Robbie. “There were also feelings of anger, shame, guilt, pride and excitement.” Through extensive research Robbie found that “schools were segregated; swimming pools… there was segregated housing, and even signs that said no dogs or Mexicans.” Robbie conveys the importance of the Mendez case in the ... http://www.mulberrybagsukoutlet.co.uk - mulberry bags •A very merry Boardwalk Christmas: As Christmas approaches, the sweetest ride to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk is aboard the Holiday Lights Train. Passengers can join caroling, sip hot spiced cider, listen to music and visit with Santa while rolling through the streets of Santa Cruz on vintage excursion cars decked out with thousands of lights. At the boardwalk, they’ll have time for miniature golf, laser tag or arcade games before the return trip. Nov. 28-Dec. 23; see website for specific dates and times. $28 adults, $22 children 2-12. (831) 335-4484. http://www.toryburchshoesoutletsonline.us.com Coal not a cheaper option http://www.coachoutletstoresonlines.us.com - www.coachoutletstoresonlines.us.com On average, 7,000 couples marry each day in the United States u http://www.mulberrybagsukoutlet.co.uk - mulberry bags The SEC remains confident it will secure distributor deals with regional cable providers before launch. http://www.louisvuittonoutletstoreonline.us.com - louis vuitton outlet store online Nancy Reagan also reminisced about her early acting career with Kinstler. "She said that Cagney was like their uncle: 'When we came to Hollywood, he just took us under his wing and took care of us and we adored him,' " Kinstler said. "Mrs. Reagan had also known Miss Hepburn very well. 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Snow cover on an inch or more from the storm persisted for 60 consecutive days from this date through 1/29/1914, the third longest period of snow cover on record for Denver. Additional snowfall during this time prolonged the snow cover. And you can fall in love again with the romantic comedy, tomorrow night at the Drive-in at Whole Foods Market, 300 N. Broad St. in the Big Easy. http://www.canadagooseparkaoutlet.ca - canada goose outlet online tncms-asset-4352622a-39dc-11e4-a625-3b6353fc2529 c http://www.canadagoosejacketsoutlets.us.com - canada goose outlet So is the growth and presence of both populations influencing the culinary landscape in America? http://www.monclerjacketsoutlets.us.com - moncler jackets Announcements made to the public hereJanice B. 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Dental chews, such as Milk-Bone Brushing Chews, can be an easy way to complement annual dental care by a veterinarian. They are specially designed to reach down to the gum line, even way in back. В When fed to dogs daily, clinical trials have shown they are as effective as brushing your dog’s teeth twice per week, based on the reduction of tartar build-up and bad breath. http://www.toryburchshoesoutletsonline.us.com - tory burch shoes If you are a photographer, Crater Lake is a must-do for you. Just be sure to bring plenty of film - okay, a large capacity memory card - so you don't miss a thing. Many photographers like to visit the area during the night in the summer to take stunning photos of the Milky Way as there is very little light pollution in the area.
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zjezerrqv | Дата: Суббота, 03.01.15, 10:58:59 | Сообщение # 43 |
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For more information, call 518-0822 or visit . z eeeeeeeee....[/p - Well what can one say settheworldonfire, I for one would rather live in a world where at least I see people trying to achieve things instead of people like you just being a firebrand. Yes Ive seen your posts and in most of them you actually factually in correct, put things in comments that are obviously not true and based on what goes on in your own little world. Id don't agree with what the Council do, but theres a difference between Councillors and Officers but you just complain about anything, Ive yet to read a positive comment on anything from you. Yes we all have our gripes and moans but you just try to be controversial with every post you put on here. 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The documentary, “Mendez vs. Westminster: For all the Children / Para Todos Los Ninos,” is a 27-minute film about school segregation among Mexican Americans in Orange County, California in a case that preceded the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka decision. The workshop was held Saturday, September 23, 2006 at 3:30 p.m. in the Central High School Library. The event was free and opened to the public. In 1954 the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Supreme Court decision outlawed legal segregation in education. Seven years earlier in 1946, Mendez et al.v. Westminster et al. established a precedent for the historic Brown v. Board case. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Mendez case.Sylvia Mendez was 9 years old when she learned that her parents, Gonzalo and Felicitas Mendez, were plaintiffs in the Mendez school desegregation case. Sandra Robbie, a Latina, is the producer of “Mendez vs. Westminster: For all the Children / Para Todos Los Ninos.” Robbie first heard of the case about ten years ago when a school in California was named after Gonzalo Mendez.“I was stunned when I found out about the case,” said Robbie. “There were also feelings of anger, shame, guilt, pride and excitement.” Through extensive research Robbie found that “schools were segregated; swimming pools… there was segregated housing, and even signs that said no dogs or Mexicans.” Robbie conveys the importance of the Mendez case in the ... http://www.mulberrybagsukoutlet.co.uk - mulberry bags •A very merry Boardwalk Christmas: As Christmas approaches, the sweetest ride to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk is aboard the Holiday Lights Train. Passengers can join caroling, sip hot spiced cider, listen to music and visit with Santa while rolling through the streets of Santa Cruz on vintage excursion cars decked out with thousands of lights. At the boardwalk, they’ll have time for miniature golf, laser tag or arcade games before the return trip. Nov. 28-Dec. 23; see website for specific dates and times. $28 adults, $22 children 2-12. (831) 335-4484. http://www.toryburchshoesoutletsonline.us.com Coal not a cheaper option http://www.coachoutletstoresonlines.us.com - www.coachoutletstoresonlines.us.com On average, 7,000 couples marry each day in the United States u http://www.mulberrybagsukoutlet.co.uk - mulberry bags The SEC remains confident it will secure distributor deals with regional cable providers before launch. http://www.louisvuittonoutletstoreonline.us.com - louis vuitton outlet store online Nancy Reagan also reminisced about her early acting career with Kinstler. "She said that Cagney was like their uncle: 'When we came to Hollywood, he just took us under his wing and took care of us and we adored him,' " Kinstler said. "Mrs. Reagan had also known Miss Hepburn very well. She said that when she first came to New York in 1947, Miss Hepburn found her an apartment." Jimmy Butler had 26 points and Pau Gasol had 25 points and 13 rebounds, leading Chicago to a win over Brooklyn. http://www.coachoutletstoresonlines.us.com - coach outlet online Two of the players who made those winning plays were redshirt freshman Duane Wilson and senior Juan Anderson. Come Join Our TeamRN required, minimum... http://www.coachhandbagsoutletstore.us.com - coach outlet 03.03.2011 The death day is spent in solitary inward thoughts. Sadness seeps into the air around you. Every little action triggers a memory. The tears flow in secret. As parents we develop our own ways to remember the worst day of our lives. This year it was white roses on the grave site. We were alone. No reason to hide our tears or pain from each other. We share it every day. We talk about it every day. As parents our grief never stops. We thought of our child the day before he died, and the day after he died. 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Snow cover on an inch or more from the storm persisted for 60 consecutive days from this date through 1/29/1914, the third longest period of snow cover on record for Denver. Additional snowfall during this time prolonged the snow cover. And you can fall in love again with the romantic comedy, tomorrow night at the Drive-in at Whole Foods Market, 300 N. Broad St. in the Big Easy. http://www.canadagooseparkaoutlet.ca - canada goose outlet online tncms-asset-4352622a-39dc-11e4-a625-3b6353fc2529 c http://www.canadagoosejacketsoutlets.us.com - canada goose outlet So is the growth and presence of both populations influencing the culinary landscape in America? http://www.monclerjacketsoutlets.us.com - moncler jackets Announcements made to the public hereJanice B. Holland w } http://www.canadagooseparkaoutlet.ca - canada goose outlet Access to North Road can be gained along Allen Road, following the diversion put in place. n A: I've always loved "O Holy Night" and had the privilege of recording it for "At Christmas." Most people don't know the other verses, but I made sure to record more on my version. 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Dr. Georgiana Donadio, founder of the National Institute of Whole Health <br /> http://www.canadagoosejacketsoutlets.us.com - canada goose outlet “The message to them is that we just weren’t good enough and we have to take full responsibility for it. It was poor, but one thing we can assure them is that we’ll be working harder than ever and make sure next week we put on a display far better than that and make sure we get back to doing the basics right. g http://www.canadagoosejacketsoutlets.us.com - canada goose jackets * Brush your dog’s teeth – daily if you can. Daily brushing of a dog’s teeth can be a challenge, even for the most diligent pet parent and the most cooperative dog. Talk to your veterinarian about the best way to brush. You can also find canine tooth brushing kits and plenty of online advice from organizations like the to help make the process as comfortable as possible for both you and your pet. Dental chews, such as Milk-Bone Brushing Chews, can be an easy way to complement annual dental care by a veterinarian. They are specially designed to reach down to the gum line, even way in back. В When fed to dogs daily, clinical trials have shown they are as effective as brushing your dog’s teeth twice per week, based on the reduction of tartar build-up and bad breath. http://www.toryburchshoesoutletsonline.us.com - tory burch shoes If you are a photographer, Crater Lake is a must-do for you. Just be sure to bring plenty of film - okay, a large capacity memory card - so you don't miss a thing. Many photographers like to visit the area during the night in the summer to take stunning photos of the Milky Way as there is very little light pollution in the area.
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gjlickav | Дата: Воскресенье, 04.01.15, 16:59:10 | Сообщение # 44 |
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axlndvntw | Дата: Среда, 07.01.15, 08:47:43 | Сообщение # 45 |
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It’s also a family-friendly evening. The event begins with a potluck and meet and greet from 5-6 p.m. Performances are from 6-7 p.m. http://www.michaelkorsbag.us.com - michael kors bags BY LILY LEUNG http://www.michaelkorsbag.us.com The KSX 15 benchmark slipped 6.5 points to 1,132.91 pts taking the month’s losses to 38 points while weighted index eased 3.2 pts. 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Balsam, which have the best fragrance, are second, sellers said. When/where: 7:30; Al Lang Stadium http://www.michaelkorsbag.us.com - http://www.michaelkorsbag.us.com A: I use it as a laboratory. We try new things all the time. We always tear up the set list and try to use new formats. I know people come and they want to hear what they want to hear, and we’ll play the as best as we can. People say to me, “Don’t you get tried of playing 'Oye Como Va’ and 'Black Magic Woman’?” No, I get tired of people asking that question. It’s like, do you get tired of breathing, eating and drinking water? It’s my life stream. Why would I be tired of playing something that, to me, is sacred? Another avenue of help might have been the city. But it too indicated that what they did was enough. http://www.michaelkorsbag.us.com - michael kors bags into all truth (cf. 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Registration is available online until 6 a.m. Thanksgiving morning; capacity is 30,000). 7 a.m.: Costume Contest, sponsored by Virgin America and San Jose Mercury News; 7:25 a.m.: Elite Women's 5K, sponsored by Silicon Valley Bank Financial and PA/USATF (Women sponsored by El Camino Hospital); 7:35 a.m.: Elite Men's 5K, sponsored by Amgen PA/USATF (Men sponsored by PG 7:45 a.m.: 10K Wheelchair, sponsored by Kaiser Permanente; 7:50 a.m.: 10K Run, sponsored by Sharks Foundation; 8:30 a.m.: 5K Run/Walk, sponsored by KLA Tencor; 9 a.m.: Kids activities begin in Kids Fun Zone, sponsored by Lucile Packard Children's Hospital; 9 a.m.: Elite Awards Ceremony (all "open" winners will receive their medals and gift cards by mail three weeks post-race) 10 a.m.: Kid's Fun Run, sponsored by First 5 Santa Clara County (open to ages 2-7) Noon: Conclusion http://www.michaelkorsbag.us.com - http://www.michaelkorsbag.us.com The U.N. said last month that at least 1,273 Iraqis were killed in violence in October. http://www.michaelkorsbag.us.com - http://www.michaelkorsbag.us.com The patio, where they spent their first of many summers, can be accessed from the kitchen and den. Its multilevel space offers a cozy area to curl up on a glider with a good summer read or an area with a dining table, grill and seating for family, friends and yes, their daughters. k http://www.michaelkorsbag.us.com - michael kors outlet On the Net: http://www.michaelkorsbag.us.com - michael kors outlet Amana 4-Piece Suite $1,492.00 "You can't go wrong with that price, it's awesome," Mehdaoui said. "I love getting stuff like this, it's what I live for." http://www.michaelkorsbag.us.com - michael kors bags Infielders: Zach Brenner, jr., Racine Case; Ryan Kehl, sr., Kenosha Tremper; Zach Wade, jr., Kenosha Tremper. k http://www.michaelkorsbag.us.com - http://www.michaelkorsbag.us.com Actually, the 8 inches of powder that was awaiting the first skiers to hit the slopes Saturday was more like globs of oatmeal. A thin crust had formed on top and the snow broke into chunks after it was skied through, making for tough turning conditions. Thanks to Saturday’s heavy traffic, along with bright sunshine to soften the snow, conditions improved somewhat on Sunday, though there was still a stiff breeze blowing that made the 40-degree temperatures seem colder than they were. http://www.michaelkorsbag.us.com - michael kors bag Proposed lease terms
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